If Nicole Wallace would STOP carrying water for the failed corrupt Bush Administration….that’d be great!

Norah Black
4 min readSep 12, 2023

I take issue with a LOT of decision that MSNBC does, particularly because they are the most accurate news media outlet, especially over Fox & CNN. Instead of building on that & making the network more professional, more accurate, & more unbiased, some of their pundits don’t pull that off very well.

One of the biggest, undemocratic, corrupt problems we face today as voters, is Citizens United. The Supreme Court’s decision to allow Corporate money to flood elections was undemocratic, corrupt & frankly wrong on every level. This wrong decision would not have been possible without Bush’s Supreme Court appointments of Alito, & Roberts. Many of the “Never Trumpers” have plenty of regrets, but how many will say that they voted for Bush & don’t regret it, even though they don’t agree with many of his decisions? Not too many. Sigh….

You don’t get to divorce yourself from realities that your support wrought. You don’t get to pretend that your vote didn’t help Bush further pervert our DOJ, after his father had gotten away with Iran-Contra unscathed. You can’t talk about “small” Gov’t after Bush’s $Trillion dollar tax breaks, squandering of Bill Clinton’s surplus, gutting bank regulations which led to the breaking of the U.S. economy, going to war under false premises, using torture & dubbing it “enhanced interrogation”, Hurricane Katrina disaster his inept administration made worse, skyrocketing deficit, controversial assertion of executive power, politicization of DOJ, + 45 million Americans going without health insurance.

If it weren’t for George HW Bush & his extremist son, George W., the U.S. Government wouldn’t have even been so vulnerable to Trump’s cult45 Maga & extremist authoritarian GOP corruption. Here is an article that compares George W. Bush to other authoritarians & fascists. As you can see, he has done the exact same things that Hitler did, & later Trump.

The telling desires of wanna-be dictator Bush.
When people tell you who they are — believe them.

Do I expect too much from the media, or more specifically MSNBC? What I expect, is that the media would simply report the facts without putting their own spin, their own opinion &/or propaganda or misinformation into it. If that is asking too much, than America has a serious Press Corps problem that needs to be addressed sooner instead of later.



Norah Black

I’m here to correct myths, reveal historical facts, & shine a light on truth.